This function calculates Nei's genetic distance (Nei 1972) between populations or individuals
- geno
a data frame containing allele frequency data generated from stamppConvert, or a genlight object containing genotype data, individual IDs, population IDs and ploidy levels
- pop
logical. True if genetic distance should be calculated between populations, false if it should be calculated between individual
- measure
a character string defining the distance measure to use: "standard" for the Neis standard genetic distance 1972 or "DA" for Neis DA distance 1983.
A object of class matrix which contains the genetic distance between each population or individual
# import genotype data and convert to allele frequecies
data(, package="StAMPP")
potato.freq <- stamppConvert(, "r")
# Calculate genetic distance between individuals
potato.D.ind <- stamppNeisD(potato.freq, FALSE, "standard")
# Calculate genetic distance between populations
potato.D.pop <- stamppNeisD(potato.freq, TRUE, "standard")